Monthly Archives: December 2011

Merry-Juana Christmas!

Came across this article from last year: Marijuana Christmas Tree Seized In Germany

The guy told police that he “had intended to add more decorations to the ‘tree’ and place the presents under it, according to tradition.”

According to what tradition? Where do they have this tradition? I wanna move there.

And here is a lovely Stoner Christmas Medley:

Merry-Juana Christmas and High-Ass Holidays!!

Best Weed in the World?

I was watching this interview, in which members of Cypress Hill discuss their influences, President Obama and where is the hardest place to get good weed. Evidently, it’s really hard to get good weed in Prague. This made me wonder, where are the BEST places to get good weed? Let’s Google it!

Ok, first thing I found was this: 10 Best Ways to Smoke Your Weed. Nothing to do with the search, but interesting.

Another completely off-topic, but VERY INTERESTING…How to Buy Weed Online…points out that, while many states have laws against the purchase of marijuana, they generally don’t have laws against purchasing hybrids. Check it out!

OK, here is what I was looking for. The Best Weed in the World!

New Jersey’s Medical Marijuana Program Should Be “Fully Functional” Next Year


Nearly two years after it was legalized in New Jersey, lawmakers announced last week that the state’s medical marijuana program, the most restrictive in the country, would be fully functional sometime in 2012…

…Gov. Chris Christie had issued a surprise announcement in July that the state would move forward with its then-stalled medical marijuana program. But since then, federal prosecutors have done something even more surprising: They raided and seized property from medical marijuana growers and dispensaries in California, despite the Obama administration’s indications that they would not crack down on such facilities…

…even though 86 percent of New Jersey voters support medical marijuana, Christie put the program on hold while he awaited word from federal officials that New Jersey marijuana workers and doctors would not be prosecuted…

…New Jersey limits prescriptions to patients with terminal illnesses or illnesses where conventional pain medication has failed, such as glaucoma and epilepsy. Furthermore, a doctor can only prescribe marijuana to a patient they’ve been seeing for over a year…

…This is a big one: New Jersey’s non-profit dispensaries are all licensed by the state, unlike in California, where they are not required to obtain a state license specifically to sell marijuana. “They’ve [federal prosecutors] never interfered with a dispensary licensed by a state,” said Roseanne Scotti, New Jersey state director of Drug Policy Alliance.

Full Article: N.J. Green-Lights Medical Marijuana Program as Calif.’s Goes Up in Smoke

ICP High Times Interview

Violent J and Shaggy of the Insane Clown Posse discuss weed, the Dark Carnival and the concept of the Juggalo family with High Times Magazine. And they smoke a “hatchet joint!”  Check it out!

ICP High Times Interview

Stoner Humor: Got Any Weed?


Some stoned dude walks into the 7-11. He goes up to the man behind the counter and says, “Got any weed?” The clerk says, “No!” So the stoner leaves. The stoner comes back the next day and asks the guy behind the counter, “Hey, you got any weed?” The man says, “No, I told you yesterday, we don’t sell weed here.” So the Stoner leaves again. The stoner walks in the next day and says, “Got any weed?” The clerk behind the counter says, “Look you fuckin’ burnout, we don’t sell weed here. If you come in here again, I’m goin to nail your fuckin’ teeth to the floor!!!” So the stoner leaves. He comes in the next day. “You got any nails?” “No”, the clerk replies. The stoner looks him in the eye and says, “You got any weed?”

A stoner finds a poor person on the street and helps him up. The poor person says, “Son, I’m a genie. And since you helped me I’ll give you three wishes.” The stoner says, “I want a six-inch joint!” The genie says, “Okay!” POOF! They stuff a six-inch joint and smoke it between the two of them. “What’s the second wish?” asks the genie. “I want a twelve-inch joint,” says the stoner. “Okay,” says the genie. POOF! And they stuff it and smoke it between the two of them. “And the third wish?” “I want a twenty-inch joint!!” POOOF!! So, they stuff it and smoke it between the two of them. Finally, the genie gets up and says, “Okay, it’s time for me to go.” The genie takes a couple of steps, pauses, turns around and says, “Okay, just one more wish.”

A stoner and a super genius are sitting on a bench waiting on a bus. The genius gets bored, leans over to the stoner and says, “Hey I’ll tell you what, I’ll ask you a question and if you don’t know the answer you have to give me five bucks. If you ask me a question and I don’t know the answer I have to give you fifty bucks.” The stoner says, “Alright, Man.” The genius asks the stoner, “What is the Pythagorian Theorem?” The stoner replies, “I don’t know,” and hands the genius five bucks. “Okay,” the stoner says, “What has three legs going up a hill and four legs going down?” The genius thinks real hard and finally gives up. he hands the stoner fifty bucks and then asks, “So, what is the answer?” The stoner says, “I don’t know,” and hands the genius five bucks.

CannaMilk – Bet You’d Drink More Milk If You Kept This Around!

CannaMilk is something I haven’t tried, but after coming across this, I think I need to try! Think of the possibilities! Cream in your coffee, milkshakes, Alfredo sauce, mac and cheese, your morning cereal…suddenly craving some mac and cheese!!


THC, the main psychoactive chemical in marijuana (cannabis), is not readily digested by itself. Because THC is fat soluble it can be extracted into milk in order to make it more accessible to the body.

1 cup/250ml Whole Milk or Cream (if vegan, use So Delicious Coconut Milk or Creamer – this is the fattiest vegan milk/cream alternative, and therefore the best for extracting cannabinoids!)
1/8oz or 3.5g of finely ground cannabis*
*The finer the powdered cannabis, the better this method will work.

1. Add the milk to a pan or a double boiler over medium heat until it is gently simmering.
2. Lower heat and stir cannabis in. Allow the mixture to continue simmering for about an hour.
3. Allow to cool and then strain with cheesecloth or a fine mesh strainer.
4. Pour into an airtight container in the refrigerator until needed. Use before the sell by date on the milk used.

Serving Suggestions: Drink straight (careful – this cannabis milk/cream is very potent, so use less bud if you want or use more milk and share!) or use in any recipe that calls for milk as an ingredient.

For this and other cool weed recipes see The Cannabis Chef.

Some Cool Pipes

Glass Dragon Pipe

Glass Dragon Pipe

Get it at Cloud 9 Emporium

Metal Pipe with Happy Pot Leaf

Metal Pipe with Happy Pot Leaf

Can’t find this one for sale on the site, but it’s cool!

It’s supposed to be at

Check that, I found it at Bongs! Pipes! Papers!

Palm Tree Pipe

Palm Tree Pipe

From The Weed Blog

This cute elephant pipe is also from The Weed Blog

Cute Elephant Pipe

Cute Elephant Pipe

The Smoke Journals is credited as the source for the elephant pipe.

Cool psychedelic pipe

Cool psychedelic pipe

This one was found at

Stoned Mushroom Pipe

Stoned Mushroom Pipe

Ok, turns out this one is actually a keyring, not a pipe.

You can find it at Bongs! Pipes! Papers!

One of the pictures won’t let me upload it, but you can see it on here

There’s also a link on there to They have some cool stuff.

Marijuana Pipe Belt Buckle

Marijuana Pipe Belt Buckle

This one is actually a belt buckle and a working pipe!

Marijuana Pipe Belt Buckle at Payless Buckles

(Note: I’m not trying to sell these pipes. Just thought they were cool and thought I’d pass them along and let you know where to get them if you wanted to.)