Category Archives: CannaMilk

CannaMilk – Bet You’d Drink More Milk If You Kept This Around!

CannaMilk is something I haven’t tried, but after coming across this, I think I need to try! Think of the possibilities! Cream in your coffee, milkshakes, Alfredo sauce, mac and cheese, your morning cereal…suddenly craving some mac and cheese!!


THC, the main psychoactive chemical in marijuana (cannabis), is not readily digested by itself. Because THC is fat soluble it can be extracted into milk in order to make it more accessible to the body.

1 cup/250ml Whole Milk or Cream (if vegan, use So Delicious Coconut Milk or Creamer – this is the fattiest vegan milk/cream alternative, and therefore the best for extracting cannabinoids!)
1/8oz or 3.5g of finely ground cannabis*
*The finer the powdered cannabis, the better this method will work.

1. Add the milk to a pan or a double boiler over medium heat until it is gently simmering.
2. Lower heat and stir cannabis in. Allow the mixture to continue simmering for about an hour.
3. Allow to cool and then strain with cheesecloth or a fine mesh strainer.
4. Pour into an airtight container in the refrigerator until needed. Use before the sell by date on the milk used.

Serving Suggestions: Drink straight (careful – this cannabis milk/cream is very potent, so use less bud if you want or use more milk and share!) or use in any recipe that calls for milk as an ingredient.

For this and other cool weed recipes see The Cannabis Chef.